Imagine this..
1. you are in a jungle, and in that jungle, you found a hut. and that hut have a door...
then, the door is...
2.the, you enter that hut. there is a table in that hut, what shape is it?
3.then, in that table you found a vase, and, that vase made of...
c.steel much water in that vase?
5.then, you go out from that hut, and, you found key... that key made of...
c.steel many the key is?
(from 1 to 10)
7.then you go on... and you found a waterfall... how fast is the water flow?
(from 1 to 10)
8. then you go on, and you found a big castle.. there was pool around that castle...
in that pool you found gold coins and silver coins...
a. take the gold coins, eventough the pool is so dirty
b. take the silver coins, but the water is clean
c. don't take anything
9. then you go out from that castle, and you found a treasure box... the size of that box is...
a. large
b. medium
c. small
10. near that box there is a horse and a big strong box,suddenly tornado appear, what will you do?
a. Run with that horse
b. take cover inside that box
c. run to the savest place
Selasa, 13 Januari 2009
Another Psychology Test
Posted by adipralive at 02.18 0 comments
Sabtu, 10 Januari 2009
Psychological TEST !!! must try !!
This Psychological test will reveal the 'TRUE' You...
first you need a pencil or a pen and a paper....
remember, u have to be honest to your self..
okay........ START !!
1st test...
arrange this animal what ever you like...
1. cow
2nd TEST....
describe this word into a sentence... ex: rain=so fresh and full of bless...
3rd Test....
Think about someone that you know and important to you...
connect the words to a person that suddenly appear in your imagination....
remember, the first person that u guessed that is the answer.. ex.= when i think about white i remembered my old friend ryandanu...
WELL DONE... u have finished this psychological test...
you can look at the side bar for the answer...
Posted by adipralive at 07.06 0 comments
Jumat, 09 Januari 2009
Jumat, 02 Januari 2009
Horned man??
Ma Zhong Nan of China has recently sought medical help after a horn began growing from his head five years ago. After carelessly injuring his head while brushing his hair, Ma started to notice a hard growth. Only recently when it began to itch did Ma’s children urge him to seek professional help. Unfortunately, the doctors he saw could not offer any explanation. Believe It or Not!
Posted by adipralive at 20.35 0 comments
Suckest Allergy
An Australian girl is suffering from incurable Aquagenic Urticaria- an allergy to water. She has to stay out of the rain, she can’t go swimming, and has to stay home hours after a shower while her rash calms down. The allergy was a result of an aggravating dose of penicillin. Even sweating could make her break out in rash! Believe It or Not!
Posted by adipralive at 20.03 0 comments
The PinHead
The 2008 Beijing Olympics has created lots of patriotism in China. Dr. Wei Sheng showed his excitement by puncturing his head, face, hands and chest with 2008 acupuncture needles the five colors of the Olympic rings. In 2004, he set the world record for having 1,790 pins in his head. Believe It or Not!
Posted by adipralive at 19.53 0 comments
Snail Race
Saturday, July 19, the World Snail Racing Championship was held in Norfolk, UK. The event has been taking place annually for more than 25 years! This year’s winner, Heikki, traveled from the center of the circle track, 13 inches to the finish line in 3 minutes and 2 seconds. The record was set in 1995 by Archie, who clocked in at 2 minutes. Believe It or Not!
Posted by adipralive at 19.52 0 comments
Who's That Fat Guy??
Robert Earle Hughes was born in 1926 weighing 11 ¼ lbs. At age 3 months, suffering from whooping cough, he burst a gland in the back of his neck. From that day on, he grew rapidly gaining pounds and inches daily. At age 20, Robert wore overalls with a 9’-1” waistband. Robert Earle Hughes died at age 32. At that time of his death he weighed 1,069 pounds. Believe It or Not! At the new London Believe It or Not! museum, you can see how many of your friends it takes to weigh the same as Rob!
Posted by adipralive at 19.34 0 comments
Ancient Plane
Believe It or Not!, these ancient South American artifacts have caused quite a stir. They were originally thought by archeologists to be golden insect models, but aeronautical engineers thought they more resembled flying machines. The figures are dated around 500-800 A.D. Similar objects have been found in
Posted by adipralive at 19.33 0 comments
Odd Behavior
In a small village in
Posted by adipralive at 19.29 0 comments
The Longest Tounge ...
Stephen Taylor (UK) has a tongue that measures 9.5 cm (3.74 in) from the tip to the centre of his closed top lip. It was measured on the set of 'Lo Show dei Record' in Milan, Italy on January 5, 2006.
Posted by adipralive at 19.28 0 comments